Best Before Date

best project

Best Before Dates

Are you like me?  Do you have some spices or other things in your pantry that have passed their “best before date” some time ago?  How long has it been since you looked at them?  Well, if you are anything like me it could have been as long as, dare I say it, 24 years for one of the spices, 17 for another and 7 for another. 

When you see a price tag of 27 cents on the bottom of a spice jar, you know it's been around much too long.

It got me thinking about all the PLR I have on my computer.  How much of that is something I don't use, am not going to use, and it is just sitting there on my computer.  How much of that is past its “best before date”?

With PLR as with spices, it is important to use them when they are fresh – fresh in your mind and fresh with regard to product.  Today I threw out all the old spices and now I start on all the old PLR.

I recently read Sue Fleckenstein's report on “How to put your PLR to use”, instead of leaving it collecting dust on your computer –  which you can view here at my affiliate link 

It's important to be aware of what you have so that you can use it to the best advantage, whether in cooking or in internet marketing.  Sue also has a 30 Day Challenge where she teaches you various techniques for using your PLR to your benefit. 

Why not “spice up your life” by checking out her site and seeing what else she has to offer that you can use.  Click here.


To your success



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